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TLC3 Publishing


You did it! You survived the requirements the school system put on you and your new title is now GRADUATE. You should be proud of yourself. It is always important to finish what you start, to never give up, to shoot for the moon! The best part of graduating from one period of life to the next is the ability to move on, say your goodbyes, and welcome new hellos. But before the new hellos, you should allow yourself to be spoiled by those who love you.

Many people get cash for a graduation. I use to empty a box of Sees candy and replace the chocolates with silver dollars, coins and origami shaped bills. It was always a gift that got alot of oohs and aahs but silver dollars arent that easy to come by anymore as well as my fingers ability to fold dollars tightly into a heart origami.

For this reason, I created a book that has been in my heart for a few years. Its an ‘adult coloring book’ but for graduates of all ages. The person giving the book, can fill it with gift cards on every page, or just tape a big one on the front. There are pages throughout you can write messages to the grad such as a favorite recipe, movie or event you would like to share.

With the purchase of an authors copy comes a free downloadable version to color in procreate digitally. These downloads/printables will be available at TLC3Publishing on June 1st.

Recipes included with purchase are listed below.

Homemade Chicken Soup

Chocolately-ist Chip Cookies (June 1st, 2021)

30daysof…Graduation Gift Ideas