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30 Punches to Knockout an American President

When Trump won in 2016 and I saw the emotional breakdowns and hysteria from people across our country, I knew America would be destroyed from within for the next generation.

People who voted for Trump did so because we needed someone to fight for America.  For decades, many conservatives just voted and kept to themselves.  That is a conservatives nature.  We trust ourselves to act in a just manner and we trust our law enforcement to correct all illegalities. We don’t care about skin color, religion, sexual preference so long as you acted in good faith and didn’t try to impose your beliefs on us.

But it got to a point where Christians were demeaned for saying Merry Christmas, children were being indoctrinated by lies about genders and sexual identities, and people in our government were committing crimes and justice was not being served. (Clinton, Benghazi, Pallets of cash to Iran, and others) We noticed a two tier justice system.  One for us and another for the bureaucratic unelected people in our government. (Brennan, Clinton, Lynch, Clapper)

Then Trump came along.  Many of us saw his interview with Oprah Winfrey decades prior and we loved what he stood for…equal trade, America first.  He ran on those same promises in our 2016 election.  Freedom of religion, America first, ProLife, immigration reform, equal trade, drain the swamp, lower taxes and deregulation were the majority of his campaign promises. Many of us conservatives were hoping Trump would fight for us since we knew the house and senate was broken. They haven’t worked together since the Bush presidency.  We liked him because we knew he is a fighter and he is NOT A POLITICIAN. But Washington and the media were surprised by Trump, an outsider, an underdog.. so the first punch was thrown immediately after Trump announced he was running and came down the escalator.

First Punch
Attack his character… call him a racist, sexist, rich, privileged white man. Say he is a joke. He will never win.

Second Punch
Delegitimize him. Call him a liar and a thief and a rapist. Say he was working with Russia. 

Third punch
Dehumanize his supporters. Call them nazis, fascist, Russian bots, trolls, deplorable, racist, sexist, idiots, chumps, trumpkins, MAGATS. These are all the names the “tolerarant SOUL OF THE NATION” use everyday since he was nominated.

Fourth Punch
Start an investigation based on no evidence. See Inspector Generals (IG) report on rampant historical FISA Abuse. 

Fifth Punch
Confederate Statues (all of a sudden a problem) cause Protests and cause chaos in streets in Charlottesville.  Someone dies. Trump speaks on it and the media edits clips to show Trump as a white supremacy. Even though he has called out white supremacy over a dozen times. The media edit what he said, instilling more racism. 

6-7 Double punch
Legal battles for anything and everything.  Travel bans, sanctuary cities, border wall. Threats to impeach, impeach, impeach with no reason other than they lost. 

8 Punch
John McCain votes no against the healthcare plan.  Healthcare discussion is over. Media paints GOP as villains and McCain a hero. They also continue the lie that Trump wants to end prexisting conditions. He has been clear from the beginning, he will never end preexisting conditions.

9 Punch
Jeff sessions recuses himself as DOJ from the fake Russian collusion story 

10 Punch
General Michael Flynn resigns as national security advisor due to FBI coersion.  (Watch the true documentary on Amazon Prime, the Plot against the president)

11 Punch
Mueller investigation about Russian collusion started with no evidence and 18 angry democrats. Look up the name NormEisen

12 Punch
Large turnover and leeks in the first year from Obama holdovers and he is learning he appointed some incompetent people to positions… ex. Rex Tillerson leaves as secretary as state. 

13 Punch
Constant press room fighting against all news in the room. Always reporting only on tweets and never on policy.  The hate and contempt in the press room was vile.  Sean spicer did not help get his message across. Sarah sanders was treated horribly.

14 Punch
Media bias through omission – they only report hate… never the policies he created for all americans.  He has to fight fake news the entire presidency.  If you want to see all the amazing policies he put forth see The ABC’s of TrUMP greatest policies. (blog post coming week of 11/7/2020) 

15 Punch
He gets impeached for Quid Pro Quo Biden’s crimes but he was saved when it was overturned. (Look up the name Norm Eisen)

16 Punch
China unleashes the virus on the world.

17 Punch
Trump shuts down economy to flatten the curve and police officer kneels on the neck of a 300 pound drug induced black man who unfortunately dies and the BLM movement emerges AGAIN…citing systematic racism and police brutality.

18 Punch
Blm succeeds again to stir up emotion and angst during  lockdown with the shooting of a black man who police were called for sexually abusing and he ran to his car…the cop shot him in the back.  CIVIL UNREST number 2

19 Punch
Black population are manipulated with the names and images of  black people who were killed by police. Social Media Giants and all main stream media let chaos and violent emotion ensue without telling the American citizens to wait for evidence or due process. The media continually incites the mob with drama in order to increase emotion and create hysteria and fear.  Meanwhile deadly pandemic is still going on. People are on lockdown, businesses, sports, concerts, and churches are closed except for the protestors…and liquor stores, casinos are considered essential.

20 Punch
Antifa is claimed to be an “idea” by the media and democratic politicians. American lives and business owners are destroyed by Antifa vandalism. Meanwhile all the media talks about is white supremacy. See journalist Andy Ngo on twitter for Antifa movement by democratic Socialist and progressives.

21 Punch
Racism issue is “over” so media focuses on death count of China Virus.  They completely omit all the positives the corona virus task force achieved.  Ventilators, us ships, makeshift hospitals, testing kits, and record vaccine timelines. They also ignore Andrew Cuomo’s role in the death of over 33,000 people in assisted Living homes.

22 Punch
Woodward article claiming Trump downplayed the virus so they blame him for the deaths instead of China. Trump is a person of hope, not fear. In addition, the media never reports on the millions of lives he saved.

23 Punch
Another anonymous lie emerges about Trumps comment about military “suckers and losers” one year later with no verifiable sources and the media runs with it.  Doesn’t fact check the story at all.  It is debunked by 27 named sources. 

24 Punch
Mail in voting is proposed due to China Virus.  BINGO its. the ninth round…now they’ll get him.

25 Punch –  
Brush fires happen (again) and the media blame it on climate change (even though majority were caused by arson, poor forest management, and gender reveal parties.) Hint: it’s a baby.

26 Punch
RGB dies and he nominates a brilliant legal mind to fill her seat.  People cry and complain that they can’t kill babies anymore. 

27 Punch
Twitter and Facebook are censoring him and NYPOST when sharing legitimate news and facts regarding Tony Bobulinski, Allan Parrot and Joe Bidens known involvement in corruption.

28 Punch
MSM won’t show rallies, won’t show antifa riots, won’t show survival rate for China virus success.  They also censor real doctors sharing news about hydroxychloroquine success stories.

29 Punch 
Voting machines used to count ballots in the majority of swing states is sold and created by a company affiliated with Soros and another with Clinton Foundation. 

30 Punch
THE ELECTION …All of the above instances resulted in a record number of ignorant and emotionally hateful Americans to vote for another politician, an 78 year old man with various signs of dementia, no record of doing anything in his 47 years of politics except for creating a Bill that hurt black communities since 1992.  

Knockout President Trump out of the presidency. Imagine if they put that much effort into helping the American people. 

OR WILL HE GET BACK UP AGAIN? It is 2020 and anything can happen, especially with DONALD J TRUMP as our president. As of November 7th, the media called the presidency for Joe Biden and Trump wants to wait for the courts to determine election integrity for future elections. (but the media will just say he has no proof) I will keep updating this as results come in.

Goodbye America. God bless you always!

* this is an opinion piece based on years of observation and research. If you see any discrepancies in instances I am sharing, tweet this article along with your opinion and tweet me at @tlc3publishing.

In order to completely remove any recollection of Trump so they can continue with the NWO, Twitter banned Trump from speaking on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. The are calling the fight for election integrity on January 6th an insurrection. American citizens are still in jail for protesting and demanding free and fair elections. (October 12)

The Obiden regime has gone full force with vaccination mandates, disrupted the supply food chain, and California now has mandatory Mail-in Voting. The news media is useless as they are merely propaganda for our installed puppet.