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TLC3 Publishing


Letterboxing is a real-life treasure hunt that combines adventure and rubber stamping. It’s a spontaneous and fun activity to do with your family or friends.

Letterboxing is also a great way to learn about local communities when traveling across our country. To find hunts near you, visit and search the hundreds of treasure hunts around the United States of America. Simply enter the zip code and it will provide a list of hunts ranging from easy to difficult.

As an experienced letterboxer, I have been successful in our hunts only 7 out of 10 times. The three times we didn’t find a letterbox, it was clear it was due to weather circumstances and the box was most likely washed away. Other times, the letterboxes are not maintained by the original owner. It is up to us as the hunter to put it back exactly where we found it or leave a note on describing the damage so the owner can fix it. If you don’t find anything in its place always remember the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“It’s not the destination, Its the journey”

With my intention to focus on community, I have hidden two letterboxes in our neighborhood. I put the letterbox kits in our free little library for each child or family to take and use for their own letterboxing adventures. Families will choose an adventure below. Bring the letterbox kit (I put mine in a pouch) as well as proper hydrating and sun supplies for the time/temperature of the day. Wear proper shoes as most letterboxes are buried off the main road. Look at the degree of difficulty and distance so you can plan accordingly.
The clues I placed in my community are not listed on because i wanted to keep it small for my community. Here are the clues to our neighborhood treasure hunt.


What to do once you find the letterbox?

Inside each letterbox is a stamp and notepad (and sometimes pen)

1. Ink the stamp and put it in YOUR notebook with the date and location.
2. Then take your stamp and put it in the letterbox notebook. Write your name and date if you choose.
3. Package up the letterbox and make sure to keep it dry and sealed to protect it for others to find. Put it exactly where you found it. If there are any missing parts or it is damaged, please tell the owner who placed it using the site
4. Congrats! You found your first letterbox. You are ready for more adventures and can even place one in your community.

How do I hide a letterbox of my own? 
1. Purchase or use supplies like the ones linked below.  You need a stamp, a notebook, pen, stamp pad (unless you have a self-inking stamp) and a container to hide it in.  Write a clue to where you will hide it.  Post on and get going on searches yourself.  It is a fun activity that you will be sure to have a story or two about.  

NotebooksStamp KitTin Boxes

Tag your letterboxing adventures with us on instagram at TLC3_publishing