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Alan Michael Munoz


In my last post about Faith over Fear, i talk about going through the doors that God opens for you. I would not have met Alan Michael Munoz if I did not walk through the door that God had opened for me in 2020. Here is a little story time to share what happened.

I have been looking for an illustrator to draw my stories for over 2 years. After I interviewed over a dozen artists, reviewed hundreds of portfolios and instagram art accounts, it seemed my dream of sharing my stories with the world might not be a reality. I did not have it in my head to give up, I just thought, ‘hey maybe I will get my real estate license while I continue to explore artists.’

So I met with a local realtor who ran the election I worked at blogged about here. She invited me to an open house at a restaurant that was near my house but I have never once visited in 15 years. As the event approached I did what I always do, talk myself out of it and cancel. But because I promised myself, NO MORE EXCUSES and to go through every door God puts in front of me…I hesitantly went. I sat there for two hours and pretended to be interested but I realized, No I’m not a real estate agent, I like to serve and create for people. I left the meeting room and stopped off at the host desk where a young man was chalking the menu on the board. His flowers were incredible and so natural looking, I had to interrupt him.

I put my binder on the desk as he was drawing, I can only imagine the feelings he had going through his head… Thoughts like, “ugh no, not a “karen”. or darn lady, why is she putting her stuff right on my artwork, she is a total “karen” (He claims he never thought any of those things but I have since learned he is very kind and wouldnt tell me even if he did.)

As a hospitality major, I begin asking him about the restaurant, “What kind of food does it serve?, who is the owner? How long has it been in business?” I could sense his need to be otherwise engaged so he could draw in peace. Relieved but some customers came in and he excused himself to seat them. I picked up a menu and saw Fried Chicken, Fried Pickles and French fries right next to my favorite bible verse… Jeremiah 29:11.

Then, just as I read the verse and was turning to leave, the woman came from the kitchen and said, “YOU KNOW, he is an amazing artist.”

I stopped. I could feel the door SLAM wide open and I knew this was a moment I was suppose to walk through. When the “amazing artist” returned from seating the guest, he seemed bummed I was still there and totally unaware his coworker just bragged on him.

I said, “I hear you are an amazing artist. What kind of things do you like to draw.”

Alan: ” I like to draw Disney characters and sharks”

Me: “i have a line of childrens books and my main characters are monkeys. I need to find someone who can capture the eccentricities and partner with me to finish a book series I started over 20 years ago.”

Alan: “well I don’t have any training, I just draw on my sketch pad with pencil.”

Me; “I understand. Do you think I can get your number and invite you to coffee to discuss the project and see if you are a good fit?”

Alan: “ok”

We exchanged contact information and I invited him to coffee two days later. He accepted. Thank you God.
At the meeting he showed me his portfolio, he talked about how he takes care of his mom, he is a christian, he works two jobs, and his dream is to live in a black house with no neighbors. He loves Disneyland. He wishes he could have gotten more training with his art. I asked him to draw my character. I was planning on being disappointed because every illustrator I have met before never gets my characters correct. But Alan not only drew the monkeys, he captured their essence perfectly.. I seriously wanted to cry. It was such a powerful moment for me and I felt so blessed during the whole conversation.

I asked Alan if he wanted to begin a new journey and help me with Arangatanga Museum: Washington DC. He said YES. I downloaded Procreate on an Ipad for him and he was overwhelmed at first (as was I with procreate) but once you get it, its tough for an artist to not create in a digital art form.

The China Virus (aka Covid) hit one month later which was a bad thing for most but a blessing for our project. Alan lost his second job so he had more time to focus on creating. I went to Washington DC during the lockdown and got the most amazing footage that he replicated in the Washington DC book..

Next was the trip up the coast of California in which we got the ARANGATANGA MUSEUM: CALIFORNIA book designed in one month. Our process of working together just got better and better as Alans talent grew stronger every day. When we first started he drew on paper and within two months he was using layers, gradients, palettes, and custom brushes. He used his two finger tap a lot at first but by the beginning of our third book, MY GOD IS BIGGER THAN YOU, he was a natural.

In our latest books coming October 2021, we are working on shading and shadows. You can see these alterations in our Kickstarted Campaign we hope you can all can be a part of. I could not share my stories without Alan and Im so grateful that God opened the door and we both went through it. It is the beginning of our creative journey together.
Its also a perfect story of walking through the door that God puts in front of you. Always put your faith over your fear.