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A Char”CUTE”erie Small Business

Man plans his ways, but God directs his steps

Proverbs 6:9
What’s the name of your business?
Eucalyptus Gatherings

What’s the story behind your company name?
I love using eucalyptus in the presentation of gatherings - it is not only beautiful but there are so many varieties. If you snap a eucalyptus leaf in half and breathe in the scent - as with essential oils, it has a very calming effect. So, my purpose is to help you breathe a little easier when entertaining.

What do the names of your boards refer too?
Different types of eucalyptus plants 

Populus Dessert Board
Nicholii Dessert Board
Spiral Dessert Board
The Willow Board
The Gunni Board
The Feather Board
The Gumdrop Box
The Baby Blue Box

How did your passion begin?
By entertaining in my home and realizing that not everyone is cut out to entertain and be able to coordinate food, decor and presentation.

What year did you start your business?

What have been your biggest struggles?
Probably the process of pricing and my value in the cost - understanding the value of my time and skill

Who inspires you? 
People who are able to balance the art of working on their business and in their business and do them both well

How do you get your ideas?
Through social media and following other accounts

What has been your biggest accomplishment? 
Taking the first step of putting myself out there

As a small business owner what’s your advice for motivation?
Love what you do - do what you love, and let that leave a legacy!

What’s your best form of advertising that you use to promote your business?
Instagram and word of mouth 

What’s your favorite social media platform?

Do you have a quote or bible verse that you live by?
Proverbs 6:9 “Man plans his ways, but God directs his step"

What are your future goals for your company?
To be the “go to gal” in Riverside for grazing boards and to connect with real estate agents to provide welcome home boxes for closing clients on their homes

What advice would you give to somebody who has a passion to start their business?
Stop dancing around the circle (idea) and step into it!

What current events are affecting your business?
Varying prices of produce and cheeses and limited supplies.

How do you make your customers feel special?
By being personable 

How many people work in your company?
So far, just myself. 

Since you started this business during the covid protocols, have you experienced any problems with open shared community food?

Where do you prefer to receive your business reviews?
IG and google review

What kind of licensing or certification does one need to do this business?
I have a food handler's license 

What is the biggest board you have made? 
I set one up on a six foot table for a wedding that catered to about 120 for their social hour (pictured below(
How long can charcuterie board sit out?
It depends on the weather and where the food is setup.
Because the meats are cured and the fact that cheese at room temp enhances the flavor, you can have it out for about 4 hours. Hopefully by that time, the board is cleaned up from satisfied guests:)

What’s the best way to contact you?
Call me maybe. (the song)
Direct Message through Instagram Penny Harrison